"Curiosity is one of the most permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect." Samuel Johnson
My key ‘takeaways’ during this learning and exploration are many. I am most excited about formalizing instruction in Applied Design, Skills and Technology (ADST) for not just my classroom, but my school. I have also benefitted from connecting with teachers and teacher-librarians across Canada. It is helpful to have perspectives from other provinces, especially because I have had little contact with professionals outside my own school district within BC. Equity continues to be one of my pressing concerns. As my discussions with colleagues develop, it is so clear that students across Canada do not have the same opportunities.
Applied Design, Skills and Technology (ADST)
The benefits of challenging, hands on projects for students have always motivated me to try new activities with my class. Sewing, weaving, making Rube Goldberg Machines, Caine's Arcade, and making simple machines are some of my favourites.Blog Connections
Blogging is
new to me. It has been a steep learning curve.
It is hard to believe my anxiety was so high when I was figuring out how
to set up my blog site. Inserting links and images are so quick for me now. I
still struggle with some formatting issues, but I am working through my
challenges with help from a friend (and former student). It is good for me to
work outside my comfort zone, as this is what I expect of my students. I am gradually becoming proficient enough to help others.
As mentioned, it has been beneficial to chat with colleagues outside my school district. Everyone brings their own set of skills and experiences to their blog site and discussions. When knowledge is shared, we all benefit. I have learned of some great sites and programs from my peers. Some highlights to try are Dewey of the Week, Code Spark, Typing.com (I would like to open to students and parents afterschool), Control F (I have shared this with intermediate teachers on my staff), Applied Digital Skills, and How to Spot Fake News.
Funding from
Parent Advisory Committees (PAC) vary from school to school and tend to fund
technology for most schools. My sister-in-law heads the PAC at her children’s
school in an affluent area. Cheque writing campaigns, and other fundraising can
generate thousands of dollars in time as short as one week. She has told me her
PAC likes to have at least $40 000 in the bank after spending on large projects
like replacing ipads for each classroom.
At my school, our PAC is active but doesn’t have the same access to funds. Our fundraising efforts are limited, and they ask for money from families that don’t have much disposable income. Our school budget has to help cover the costs of students who can’t afford school supplies and field trips. We also pay for a food access program for hungry students. There isn’t much money left over. Recently, we have been informed of an Equity Fund from our School District. Our principal published this information in the last school newsletter and the response was overwhelming. Our school's equity funds are already depleted for the year.
Our PAC purchased 30 ipads for our school which we are grateful for, but we share them across our school. Many of the exciting programs and coding activities are online. Compare a school like my niece and nephew’s, where every child has a device to use whenever needed, with my school where each class has access once a week for 45 minutes. Many private school have a ‘bring your own device policy’ (BYOD), but most of my students would never be able to afford that. My school has to make careful choices in purchasing licenses for programs where other schools have the luxury of purchasing what they like. Teachers are often given 'class funds' from the PAC to spend on expenses for the classroom. My small amount was spent in September to purchase folders and cardstock for classroom learning. The supplies for my STEAM Trolley were purchased with my own funds.When I hopefully
have a job in a school library, one of my priorities will be opening the
library afterschool for parents and students to use the computers. I would like
to help parents with setting up School Cash Online (how they pay school fees),
MyEdBC passwords, TEAMS, and other related computer issues that parents struggle with.
When I move out of my classroom and into a school library, I am most excited about supporting students, staff and parents throughout my school. "How can I help you?" will be my motto. How can I help teachers with skills, technology, and literacy? How can I help students access the resources they need to become critical and creative thinkers? How can I support parents with access to internet, devices and skills to use the expected school services? In order to help others, I will need to nurture my own curiosity and challenge myself to step outside of my comfort zone.
I am looking forward to the journey.